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We are very proud that we could convince globally recognized Speakers to join our Approach of the Exchange of Excellence!


Here, you find Interviews in which these TOP Speacialists share their Knowledge with us to provide you with great Business Opportunities and Market Estimates. This will help you to draw the right Investment Decisions in the next years.


If you want to contribute Content to our Website, we would be happy to initiate an Interview with you!


Please feel invited and get in touch with us!



We are very proud that we could convince globally recognized Speakers to join our Approach of the Exchange of Excellence!


Here, you find Interviews in which these TOP Speacialists share their Knowledge with us to provide you with great Business Opportunities and Market Estimates. This will help you to draw the right Investment Decisions in the next years.


If you want to contribute Content to our Website, we would be happy to initiate an Interview with you!

Please feel invited and get in touch with us!



OXI ZEN is a technology platform for assessing, quantifying and trading REAL science-verified carbon sequestration capacity, secured and tracked through blockchain technology. With OXI ZEN the UAE can achieve its gal to become CO2 neutral not in 2050, but in 2025 – science verified! Over 100 million metric tons of verified carbon sequestration capacity available for sale!

PELICATT stands for Pathogen ELImination through Complement Activation Targeting Technology. Professor Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Schwäble´s research collaboration (University of Cambridge) has generated a new line of modified antibodies targeting the cell surface of malignant cells and the cell surface of bacterial pathogens. These modified antibodies induced enhanced activation of the host’s complement system on the surface of target cells. The Company is now looking for Investment Partners and for strategic Partners to set up a new facility in the UAE.

Dr. Nicolas Krämer explains the INVITACARE Concept: The Establishment and Operation of a comprehensive concept of Psychosomatic Clinics - in Europe and the United Arab Emirates.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Furrer LL.M. explains how ZENOTTA has developed the new blockchain (NOAM) with the sole purpose to generate & manage Smart Data. Zenotta can digitally create, maintain and transact the value of each and any kind of data.
More information under



Remark: These Videos are (exceptionally) recorded in German language only. The reason for this is that it contains the current developments in the German Real Estate Market. If you are interested in this, please feel free to contact to us and we will of course forward the theses there in English as well.

Experten-Dialog mit Adrian Koppenhöfer: Zeitenwende im Immobilienmarkt!​ (1)


Der Spaß ist vorbei?! Zeitenwende im Immobilienmarkt?! Eine zunächst provokant lautende These, aber die Entwicklungen sprechen für sich und lassen anscheinend wenig Raum für Träumereien. Wir wollen mögliche Trends frühzeitig erkennen und unsere Follower frühzeitig darauf hinweisen: Die Letzten bekommen nun mal keinen Fallschirm! Die provokante These lautet: Wenn es so weitergeht, stehen wir wieder im Jahr 2006 – und was bitte soll eintreten, um eine (hypothetische) Entwicklung in Gang zu setzen, um einer solchen Katastrophe entgegenzuwirken? In diesem Interview widmen wir uns den aktuellen Entwicklungen am deutschen Immobilienmarkt mit Blick auf steigende Zinsen und längere Vermarktungszeiten für private Verkäufer und Makler. Wir versuchen, aus den aktuellen Zahlen und persönlichen Erfahrungen abzuleiten, ob es in Zukunft eine Änderung der Immobilienkaufpreise und deren Finanzierungsoptionen geben wird und was diese Änderung für private Immobilienbesitzer und Kapitalanleger mit sich bringt.


ENGLISH VERSION: The fun is over?! Turn of the times in the real estate market! The developments speak for themselves and apparently leave little room for reverie. We want to recognize possible trends at an early stage and point them out to our followers: The last ones don't get a parachute! The provocative thesis is: If things continue like this, we will be standing in the year 2006 - and what, please, should occur to set a (hypothetical) development in motion that counteracts such a catastrophe? In this interview, we look at current developments in the German real estate market with a view to rising interest rates and longer marketing times for private sellers and brokers. Contact details of Adrian: See above Informative links: See above! Disclaimer: The content of this video was collected and published to the best of our knowledge. In view of the rapidly changing conditions on a daily basis, it cannot claim to be complete or continuously accurate. With this video we do not give any financial, legal or tax advice. It is based solely on data available to us and our personal experience at the time of publication. We also do not give any investment advice. Actions that you want to derive from the theses in this video, you should clarify beforehand with your legal, tax, financial advisor or the like. We are not liable for any consequences of actions that you derive from the theses of this video.

Experten-Dialog mit Adrian Koppenhöfer: Zeitenwende im Immobilienmarkt! (2)


Bereits Mitte Juni 2022 haben wir Adrian Koppenhöfer, Immobilien-Sachverständiger und makler aus Wiesbaden eingeladen und in dem gemeinsamen Gespräch herausgearbeitet: Der Trend im Immobilienmarkt dreht sich! Damals nach der Analyse noch eine These, schließen sich heute viele namhafte Institute unserer Einschätzung an (siehe Links unten). Nun heißt es handeln: In diesem Folgegespräch erfahren Sie deshalb Tipps und nützliche Hinweise, welche Strategien sie anwenden können, um die ersten Folgen abzubremsen und die richtige kurz und langfristige Entscheidung über Ihre Immobilie zu treffen.


ENGLISH VERSION: Already in the middle of June we invited Adrian Koppenhöfer, real estate expert and - broker from Wiesbaden and worked out in the common discussion: The trend in the real estate market turns! Here the video: At that time in the analysis still a thesis, join today many renowned institutes our assessment (see links below). Now it is time to act: In this follow-up conversation, you will therefore learn tips and useful hints on which strategies they can apply to slow down the first consequences and make the right short- and long-term decision about your property.

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Whether you are looking for Corporate or Project Financing Solution, or if you want to expand the markets for your products to Asia, the USA or the Arab world, or even if you want to establish foreign companies and see the advantages of a residence in Dubai. Feel invited to a non-binding Consultation. We are looking forward to the common Online Meeting!

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